About RMCC:

Rocky Mountain Cycling Club is one of Utah's oldest cycling clubs. Its members total over 100,000 miles of riding each year in the Salt Lake Valley, Park City and nearby communities. We participate in races, group rides, self-organized competitions, social gatherings and philanthropic activities. We span a wide range of ages, interests, backgrounds but unite to enjoy the benefits of cycling. If you have an interest in joining our club please contact us or simply show-up to one of group rides available on the ride calendar.

Club Mission

To promote health, foster community, benefit the environment and grow the sport of cycling.


  • Free Bikes 4 Kidz

    Free Bikes 4 Kidz is a nonprofit organization geared toward helping all kids ride into a happier, healthier childhood by providing bikes to those most in need.

    $30 will provide a bike and a helmet for a kid who would not otherwise have one.

    We also need those used bikes in your garage. We will clean them, fix them up, and make sure they get to a good new home.

  • One Pencil Project

    One pencil seeks to answer critical questions regarding learning and cognitive development while simultaneously giving back to the communities that participate in our natural experiments. We apply these findings directly to our partner communities to create a pipeline that disseminates research results to the ngos and policy makers who can affect long-term change at the community, regional, and national levels.

    How do humans learn more effectively?

    Are the generally accepted teaching methods of Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich & Democratic (WEIRD) societies the most effective ways to transfer knowledge?

    What are the implications (over the life course and even generationally) when schools lack fundamental resources?